Want to sell your home fast and for top dollar? It doesn’t take much to sell your home, but it does take a lot to prepare your home for the market. The paperwork, the home staging, and the agents all play a role in how much your home actually sells for — and how fast it sells. Amidst all the perceived chaos of selling your home, you may be wondering what you’re missing before the first showing happens. In this article, IntExt Staging wants to share with you seven tips on how to hide the ugly stuff in your house.
If you notice you have most of this list exposed in your home, you’re not alone. Thousands of homeowners who want to sell their homes deal with learning about these items every day. These “ugly” items are common in every home; but homeowners don’t notice them simply because they are used to seeing them every day. Home buyers, on the other hand, consider them eyesores, whether they mention it or not.
#1. Electronic Cords and Speakers
Your home theatre and surround sound system may seem like a huge selling point to potential buyers. You’ve spent a considerable amount of money to create a theatre-like experience. In fact, your TV and system is better than your local cinema and bistro. Home buyers are appreciative of seeing how your system is used in the space, but they do not want to see the cords and speakers strung out around the room. Tidy and neat are expected. Hide the cords and place the speakers out of sight, if you can.
#2. Cable or Satellite Box
Whether you watch television delivered by cable, satellite, or wifi, you will want to hide the box that supports your signal. Granted, you do not find it ugly to have your box out in the open, but potential home buyers will find it clunky and unattractive. Find a decorative cover for the box or place the box in a drawer with the cords running out the back of the shelf.
#3. Organize Magazines and Books
It can be inspiring to have books spread around the room. You’ve got a book you’re halfway through on the coffee table, and a book you’re about to start on the side table. Three more books you will eventually get to are stacked on one of the chairs. Unfortunately, potential home buyers are not interested in the books you’re reading. They are interested, however, in how you can show them the space can handle organizing books and other readable items. Where can you store those same books on a shelf somewhere and add to the aesthetics of the space? This is what home buyers are looking for.
#4. Store Handheld Electronics in a Drawer
If you have a tablet, laptop, and a phone, assign a drawer to store them. This means installing an outlet in the drawer and keeping your charging cords in the drawer. What’s more, this will keep your shelves and counters clear of clutter, which makes your home look more attractive to buyers.
#5. Hide Outlets
In some cases, this may seem odd to hide outlets. However, electrical outlets are eyesores. They are necessary, but if they are not in use, there is no reason to have them breaking a potential home buyer’s attention as they admire a room. In fact, you can hide outlets with low-hanging art, decor pieces, shelves, and more.
#6. Cover Specific Books
In some cases, the books you have on your shelf may not fit the room decor. You can purchase book covers and hide those tomes that don’t fit the style of the space. Not only will you be able to add more character to the room, but you will be removing a potential eyesore, as well.
#7. Organize Pantry Clutter
You may know where the beans and pasta are located in your pantry, but potential home buyers do not. A great way to impress home buyers is to organize your pantry with labels and bins so that the space feels organized. If you can send potential home buyers into your pantry for some red pasta sauce, and they return to you with said sauce, your pantry is perfectly organized.
Your Home Staging Experts in Kirkland
At IntExt Staging, our missions is to sell your house fast and for top dollar. We work with homeowners in Kirkland and the surrounding areas to take their home from livable to sellable quick. If you’re ready to discuss how to sell your home, schedule your consultation with us today!