We offer home staging services directly to brokers to free up their schedules.
We begin by providing you with a free consultation, assessing your home to identify what staging practices will prove most effective for your unique home.
The next step is to provide you with a proposal within 24-48 hours of contact. Your proposal will contain advice as to which staging methods we believe will be most effective when maximizing the profit from your unique home.
After you have reviewed the proposal, we collectively decide on which staging methods you would like IntExt Staging to implement to your home.
Lastly, IntExt Staging takes care of executing the decided staging strategy. We hire any contractors or outside help that is needed and provide you with furnishings from our meticulously curated inventory (which means no renter’s fees)!

IntExt Staging is proud to say that we have the experience, expertise, and resources to effectively stage your home. As a company, we have nearly 20 years of experience in real estate, countless client success stories, and a vast supply of reliable contractors and company-owned furnishings. All of these things contribute to why we’re the best at what we do. Contact us today for your free consultation. One call does it all!
How home staging increases the value of your home and the net profit you receive — as well as reducing the amount of time it’s on the market.
3 Reasons To Stage A Home
Increasing Home Value
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise — home staging absolutely has a positive effect on your home’s final selling price. This isn’t just marketing speak; data has shown time and time again that homes sell for much higher prices when they’ve had proper staging work done.
For example, the National Association of Realtors has reported that most homes sell for more than 6% over the asking price when they’ve gone through a staging job, which is usually more than enough to cover the original costs of the job.
At IntExt Staging, we’re firsthand witnesses to how much a home staging job can improve a home’s value. We have pages of positive client feedback, and examples from our own work history homes have sold for much higher prices than originally.

We Are Home Makeover And Staging Experts
At IntExt Staging, we have the experience, resources, and ability to fully stage your home to sell for more. We are a one-stop-shop for all of your home makeover and staging needs. Our proprietary makeover system is PROVEN to increase the value of your home.
Our System Works
We get you the maximum return on your investment. Brokers today simply list your house and hope for the best, but at IntExt Staging, we focus on adding massive value to your house through necessary interior and exterior makeovers paired with proven staging techniques. We start by giving you a detailed proposal, based on your budget, to increase the value of your home. Our proven, proprietary system involves creating a custom home makeover and staging package for each customer. The key is to spend the right amount to give you the highest return, and that requires a comprehensive analysis of what should and shouldn’t be done.
We Do It All
While it may seem doable to stage and remodel a home yourself, there are many common pitfalls that inexperienced homeowners fall into when hiring contractors or other staging companies to complete work on their homes. The work ultimately costs more time and money than the work is ultimately worth. Doing this work yourself also means either paying for it out of pocket or going through the process of securing financing without knowing when or if you will be able to recoup that investment. By entrusting the process of cleaning, remodeling, inspecting, and staging your home to a professional you can count on top-quality work done at the best possible price.
Success Stories
Complete Home Staging For Brokers
At IntExt Staging, we specialize in taking care of any and every aspect of home staging. From interior or exterior staging and design, IntExt Staging has the experience and inventory to stage your client’s home in a way that can dramatically increase its value and decrease it’s time on market. The fact is that home staging is not optional if you want to present a listing that really stands out in today’s extremely competitive real estate markets. But why? Let’s look at the numbers.
According to industry studies, 40% of buyers surveyed said that high-quality home staging swayed their decision to buy. As professionals, we know most buyers are imagining themselves living in a home when they walk through it. They want to be able to realistically imagine how they will use each space. Eighty-three percent of buyers said that home staging made it easier for them to imagine how they would use each space in the home.
According to these same surveys, the most important room for staging is the living room, at 47%. After this, the master bedroom came in at 42%, and 35% of respondents said the kitchen was the room where staging had the most effect.
Similar reports also show that 25% of buyers claim that professional staging raised the effective resale value of their homes by as much as 5%. In many cases, that’s enough to completely recoup the cost of marketing.
Ask any real estate agent — one of the biggest nightmares in selling homes is finding buyers who are seemingly golden, totally intent on buying the home, until tiny little home maintenance issues start getting under their radar. The buyer starts to have more reservations and more demands as the homeowner scrambles over themselves to address the problems that are evident in the home, and in certain cases, the deal is broken off entirely.
When a home goes through the staging process, many of the little cosmetic problems that buyers are often weary of don’t exist — the staging layout shows off the home in the most flattering light possible, and superficial problems such as paint, exterior dirtiness, and so on, are completely taken care of. In the overwhelming majority of jobs we’ve taken in Bellevue, Redmond, Kirkland, Issaquah, and the surrounding areas, the real estate transaction has gone through without a hitch, because pain points were taken care of before the client had the chance to even see them. over 77% of buyers find it “easier to visualize the property as their future home” when it has been staged
That brings us to the big question — how exactly does home staging improve the value of a home? First, it’s important to consider the meaning of the word “value.” Value isn’t objective — it’s determined by the perception that people have toward the product. The report from the National Association of Realtors states that over 77% of buyers find it “easier to visualize the property as their future home” when it has been staged.
If you make one person’s perception of your home more favorable, you increase its value to them, creating a situation where they will be willing to pay more. This means that presentation alone can increase the selling price of your home, even without renovations or repairs.
“I can’t thank Matt Steel enough for his expertise, style and reliability to make my listings shine! My clients love to see their homes staged by Intext Staging, they know it is a must to sell their homes for top dollar in the least amount of time. Matt is definitely the best in business, since the first consultation to the gorgeous furniture and details he puts throughout every listing ”
“I contacted Matthew for an in-home consultation for my home in Mercer Island. He advised that with a kitchen remodel, miscellaneous repairs & home staging, I could increase the value of my house by over $50k”
“I can’t thank Matt Steel enough for his expertise, style and reliability to make my listings shine! My clients love to see their homes staged by Intext Staging, they know it is a must to sell their homes for top dollar in the least amount of time. Matt is definitely the best in business”
Here are some other ways home staging directly increases the value of a home:
Reducing Maintenance Costs for Buyer: Home staging jobs often involve a light remodel process, involving cosmetic jobs such as painting, pressure washing, gutter cleaning, and landscaping. Most of the benefits here are strictly visual, but they can also have an impact on the durability of your home. An exterior paint job, for example, helps protect your home against the elements. This eliminates costs that the buyer would otherwise have to pay out of pocket, thus increasing the selling price.
Structural Renovation Can Fix Flaws: An ambitious home staging job may involve interior renovations, where corrections are made indoors to make your home more livable. They might fix archaic layouts or correct puzzling design decisions made decades ago. This puts your home in a better position than it was before, which results in a value increase.
It Shows the True Potential Of Your Home: The meticulous presentation in a home staging job isn’t just for the purpose of looking nice — it actually communicates the true potential of your home, something that is often lost in poor photography or lackluster interior design. Home staging companies arrange things to show exactly how rooms can be used to their maximum potential, and professional photography ensures that nothing is lost in translation.
Do you want to increase the value of your home? Do you want to sell it as soon as possible with hot demand and not let it sit on the market for two months? Home staging is your answer. IntExt Staging provides comprehensive staging jobs to the people of Washington. Whether you’re in Bellevue, Redmond, Issaquah, Sammamish, or other surrounding regions, we’ll be able to transform your home into something that looks brand new. Contact us today!
One call does it all! We do ALL the work to sell your home for more! We’ll do everything to prepare your house so it sells for TOP dollar! We will transform your home to stand above the rest. IntExt Staging specializes in home staging and design so your home will sell for more and fast! If you’re ready to stage your home, speak with an expert today! Ask us about our PAY-AT-CLOSE option!